Lesbian Gifts

Finding the perfect present for someone is a real skill. And especially now, when we’re all so much more careful with the money we spend. So making sure that we give something that has real meaning and value to someone you love and care about has taken on extra importance.
Whether you’re looking for lesbian gifts for a partner, a family member, a best friend, or even as a Secret Santa gift, finding the right thing to give the amazing woman or girl in your life can sometimes seem daunting. But we hope that we can offer some wonderful things for you to choose from.
Not so long ago the choices for giving to anyone who wanted to be a little more visible with their identity were pretty limited, with the all-over-flag look being the only real option. But recently there have been a plethora of places to buy things for women who wanted to be a little, or a lot, more open.
As a business founded and run by queer people, our aim is to celebrate identity, and we do it by focussing more on design, on creating things that are fun and playful and that allow people to decide how, and how much, they want to identify. So there are things that she can wear, or take, anywhere and not feel like she’s announcing her sexuality to the world. Unless that’s something she wants to do.
From tees to jackets and shoes to notebooks, we’ve got something for most tastes. But the first thing to do is ask yourself some questions to make sure the gift you buy is really personal to the person you’re buying for and not something that will end up on eBay.
- How much do they want to show their identity?
- Do they see themselves as Lesbian or Queer, or both?
- How political are they?
- What do they do, or want to do, in their free time?
- When they shop, what types of items are they drawn to?
- What have they talked about buying for themselves?
So let’s take a look at a few of our favourite lesbian gifts:
Gifts For Lesbians Who Are Out And Proud
If you’re looking for original and colourful gifts for lesbians who are happy to show their identity then clothing is always a popular option, and a great t-shirt will go down a storm. But depending on the time of year the perfect lesbian gift ideas can also include sweaters or even flip flops!! Our Lesbian Lightning T-Shirts are always popular and for when it gets a bit cooler, our lovely Lesbian Pride Flag Trim Hoodie is a perfect gift. You can see our full lesbian range here.
Gifts For Lesbians Who Want To Be Less Overt
For many lesbians their identity is not something they want to share in public, so being able to offer some things that keep it low key, or even for them alone means you have some options from us that other shops won’t offer.
Rainbow Gifts
As you’d expect from a shop called The Rainbow Stores, we have plenty of things with rainbows on and many more with the colours of the original, classic, Philadelphia, and Progress Pride Flags. Gifts featuring the Pride colours are popular with gay women, but some may prefer something with one of the lesbian flags or flag colours on, so try to check first. We have way more of these Pride Flag items in the shop here.
Lesbian Gifts For Girlfriends
Quite often the things we buy for girlfriends are different. Maybe a bit more intimate or playful because we know that person just so much better and we can afford to have some fun with their presents. So if you’re searching for something a little more fun and playful for your girl then we have a few lesbian gifts for girlfriends worth considering. From the very very playful But Daddy I Love Her T-Shirt to the Lesbian Tartan T-Shirt Dress there are plenty of options.
Lesbian Wedding Gifts
OK so bear with us on this, because classic lesbian wedding gifts are things like toasters, duvet covers and cutlery. And we do have a fab little Mrs & Mrs Mug, but wedding gifts for lesbians can also include clothes. Let's face it, if a honeymoon isn't just about eat, love, sleep repeat then what is it…?
Lesbian Anniversary Gifts
Yes of course we should make our partners feel special every day, but we also know that it’s important to mark those anniversary dates, and let our loved one feel extra valued and loved on those days. So here are a selection of lesbian anniversary gifts that have a love element to them, to leave no-one in doubt about how you feel. For our full selection of love hearts of all shapes and sizes. You can see our full love collection here
Gifts for Lesbian Activists
As a minority, we understand that the rights we have, we’re hard fought by people who were prepared to go the extra mile to fight for the community. We need those people as much as we ever did at this moment. So we have a few things that either honour those who have fought in the past, or allow someone to show their activism now.
Of course this is just a curated selection of what we have on offer. And there’s loads more clothing, accessories and home wear in the shop. But if you’re after gifts for that special woman in your life we think we have it covered.
If you're not sure what to buy her there's always our Rainbow Stores Gift Cards. They come in a range of values from £5 up to £100 and they never run out, so she can take her time to choose from any of our lovely ranges.
However, if you're looking for something personalised then we are more than happy to work with you and create something with her name on it just for you. If you message us at contact@therainbowstores.com and let us know the product you're interested in then we'll do a unique design for you and you won't pay any more than the standard cost of the item.
So we wish you lots of luck in your search, if you didn't find anything from us that you thought was right, remember that we constantly have new products, designs and ranges being added, so bookmark us and hopefully you'll find something that's perfect for her next time.